Wednesday, April 3, 2013

With what have Strarted ?

Orientation is how we see something from our mindset. We life in this world with each mindset, although we are consciously or not.  People who thougt will have behaviuor that he able, afford and he be sure that he will be success. So, he will act necessary with he thinking. And otherwise they always think not able, impossible, dificult, fail etc, they will act necessary what they thinking. So, failed will they are received.
Our success or our failed is very effected by our mindset. Even it can said that orientation is very important to the two thing. People is success have even fill his mind, soul and body with successfull orientation. And otherwise, they are failed are people who fill their mind with failed and unsurely to success.
So, that if you want to success,  you must have success orientation. " You is what you think about youself." When you see that you is a success and happy person, so this orientation will move your bodyto reach it. . When you think that you is a failed  and sad person, so it will be happened to you.
This is a strength from orientation which sometimes we do not relize it. So, many people underimate and think it is a small thing. Whereas it is very important to deliver your success. It is said by Rasulullah 
" I ( God) always follow my servant persupposition. I always together them during they remember me (God). If they remember me in their soul, so I will remember them in me. And, if they remember me in centre of people, so I remember them in better group" ( Hadist Bukhari and Muslim)

So, first thing which must to do is  straigten your orientation so always forward to success. When shadow of failed start to disturb mind,  as soon as throw it far enough. Don not let failed poision our mindset. Insya allah, we will be success. Spirit..!!!!

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