Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Efficacy of Cocor Bebek ( Kalanchoe Pinanta)

"Cocor Bebek " ( latin discussed: Kalanchoe pinnanta syn. Bryophyllum calycinum syn. Bryophyllum pinnantum) is sukulen plant ( contents water). It come from Madgaskar. Cocor Bebek is popular  as a ornamental plants, but many of them as a wild plants in the gardens or edge of the trench.

The plants has soft and segmented stem. The leaves are thick and fleshy also contents of water. It contents of malic acid, resin, mucous substances, magnesium malate, calcium oxalate, formic acid , and tannins. Cocor bebek has a feelings a little bit sour, soft and coll, contents acid lemons, acid apple, vitamin C , alkaloid, flavonoid, quercetin-3-diarabinoside, kaempferol-3-diarabinoside, and kaempferol-3-glucoside.This chemistry make cocor bebek is used to many treatment.
There is efficacy of Cocor Bebek :
1. Heal Hemmorhoids
This leaves are washed clearly. Then, areated until dry. Then make a powder. Makers 1 tablespoons of  powder with 1 cup hot water. Added 1 tablespoon of honey and drink during it is warm.
2. Treating stomach pain
Squeeze 5 leaves cocor bebek, added little salt, then drink the water.
3. Treating Vomiting Blood.
Pulverized 7 leaves of cocor bebek , added red sugar, steamed and drink during warm.
4. Treating Tonsillitis
5-10 leaves  are pulverized , the water to  gargle.
5. Treating Inflammation of the external ear
Water squeezed leaves is used as a ears drops.
6. Treating Headchace
Get leaves,
squeeze with fennel outward appearance and stick on the forehead.
7. Treating Ulcers
30-60 gr leaves steamed. Get the water added honey then drink it ( rest of squeeze stick on the pain)
8. Pain
Leaves of Cocor Bebek shredded or groud . Added little water and smeared to the pain. Dressing every 3 hours.

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