Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Repentance Pharaos"

When death before, someone will act as  habits when he lived in the world. When someone act immoral, so his activity has big opportunity to accompany him in the end of his life. Otherwise, if our life fills with goodness , so this  will accompany us in the end of life.
Deeds in the end of worlds is very important in Islam. Deeds in hereafter decide what someone will  reach heaven or hell. From Sahl bin Sa'ad , Muhammad said " Indeed deeds is depended  with eventually."
How about ending or our life? Just Allah knows, but we can effort by still keep goodness deed, still coloring life. We hope when death comes, we are acting goodness deeds.

Repentance Pharaos

Door of repentance is always opened for the servant. Allah without pause, knees wait for coming servants. Whenever, servants come to  knees for mercy , never door of repentance is closed, although we come in the silent midnight.
However, not always door of repentance always open. There is a time door of repentance is closed. Rasulullah said, "Indeed Allah the Exalted and Majestic receive repentance someone before lives up to the throat " (HR. Tirmidzi)
One of time closed repentance is when lives up to the throat. When death approaching, someone will see reality and possible will be happened to the him in the hereafter. He can see truth, when the angel of death comes. That's when someone want to repentance, but it is late. As rejection repentance Pharaos.
All people do not know , when the angel of truth will come and would take his life. Timeless story of Pharaos can always remember us , that Allah do not receive repentance as Pharaos , when life up o the throat. God knows the best.

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