Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Success with Allah...? Why not?

People who want to reach true success , so they must fill their brain with focus to Allah.For example happines in the shade of  God's love. Allah said
" And from many location you came , so turned your face to the Masjidil Haram Mosque. Indeed this provision is really something which is right from God., and Allah never careless from whatever you do. And frpm many location you came, so turned your face to the Masjidil Haram Mosque, so there is not "hujjah" for human , except people who is wrongoudoers between you. So, do not be scared to them and be scared only to Allah. And so I (Allah) will perfected my favors for you, and so you get my instruction." (Q.S. Al Baqarah :149-150)

Allah calling us , in whatever condition, so we always be constancy together. A message is delivered to us is repeted until 3 times, surely there is a extra ordinary wisdom.
The bigger of energy which do not matched with anything is energy from Allah. This energy will make your soul pure, smoldering spirit, smart thingking, and noble. This enrgy will liberating us from shackles dumb. This energy also will lead our right so, our right will be right, straight, and harmony.

People who always oriented to besides  Allah  is a failed people understanding nature our life. If we very success inthe world, as good anything usand as big your name. Because you have failed get favors heaven. Whereas  heaven is provided to people who always remember Allah in our life. Thus , whatever our desire to reach success,  it is all for Allah. Hope Allah facilitate our steps, relieve us to reach success.


It is sources from "Inspiring for Succes " by Budi Hartono, Pustaka Iltizam in 2008

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