Sunday, April 7, 2013

Regeneration Training from UKKI "Because your Action speaks louder than your Word"

Today, I join an event. I, Wahyuningsih , Anis, go to the event together. The event is Regeneration Training from UKKI. The theme is " Because your Action speak Louder than your Word". Woww... a great theme. So, I am very excited to join this event in "Graha Cendekia" Technique Faculty. My sister in EKSIS Organization sister Azizah, sister Wiwit, sister Erna, sister Nani and sister Eni also join this event. Usually event is organized from UKKI is wonderful event. But, I still do not understand what content in this event. We must pay Rp 8.000,00 each person. So, we may come in to the room and get a snack and mineral water.

It is at 7.30 a.m. but, there is few participants. So, this event is started at 8.00 a.m. Mister Nur Qudus is opened the event and give a speech. Then, we watch a motivation video. Then, come to core event. Mister Yuniar as a speaker deliver material. The theme is Importance of Regeneration and the Components. The core of this material is regeneration is very importance of a organization. Cadre is a person who follow rout regeneration. Regeneration is a process to form human. There is 3  steps :
  1. Understand  social sciences
  2. Understand psychology sciences
  3. Understand history sciences
Duty of cadre are :
  1. Form moderate cadre
  2. Monitor development of cadres
How to form good cadre ?
  1. Pureness Desire
  2. Repair life paradigm and spirit
  3. Do not fanatic to something

The second material, is deliver Mr. Ust. Arif Muhibullah. The theme is How to  Organized cadre :
  1. Recruit
  2. Maintain
  3. Employ
You must plant love to other cadres, with steps :
  1. Show the safe feeling
  2. Be the first
  3. All can be able important
There are many right of muslims from other muslims :
  1. Get greating
  2. Get advice
  3. Be visited when sick
  4. Visit invitation
  5. and others

This event is stopped. We must pray in the mosque. Then, we get a meal to have a lunch together. At 1.00 p.m. the event is started  again.
The third materials is Cadre profile by Mr. Wargo Pramono, there are :
  1. Solid and independent
  2. Dynamic, creative and innovative
  3. Specialist
  4. Be a tutor
  5. Have good dead
  6. Agent of change
  7. Social figures

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