Monday, April 22, 2013

Nosebleeds in Childreen

Nosebleeds or Bleeding at the nose is common complaint in childreen  but its volume reduce  after puberty.This bleeding at the nose is usually just temporary and not heavy. The reason is often traume clean up the nose. If it collection of blood vessel branching or medically is called "Pleksus Kiesselbach" in the nose. It is easy to appear Nosebleeds.
Apart from the nosebleeds in childreen can be found in the state adenoid enlargement, polyps, allergies, sinusitis  or acute infections. Severe bleeding can be found Congenital Vascular Abnormalities. And kid has low platelet count. In medically is called Trombositopeni Purpura or blood dengue fever and deficiency of blood clotting factors.
For treatment , the nosebleeds  will stop on its own during several minutes. We ca do something to make the kids are not panic. The steps is [ressing the nosebleeds section. Usually this action will stop the nosebleeds. But, if nosebleeds still continue, you should the kid ti the hospital.
The first act which can we do. We can teach the kid do not clean up the nose. Parents must remember, what the kids ever bit hard in the nose. So, doctor gets information to treat the patients. Doctors will examine the nasal mucosa. And usually, doctor give advice to check the blood, matbe there is a abnormalities.

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