Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Traditional Medicine to Treat Tootache

It is natural and powerfull so, you are not restless or scared. It can treat cavities, gum swelling and aching teeth and sensitive in nature. Tootache is not dangerous as liver or cancer but if you suffer tootache is very illness. Moreover they who has not defeat can be sacrifice. That is emotion effect from patient.
Then if you / your friend, family  has tootache, try to treat them with traditional medicines.
There are :
 1. Clove Oil
It has function to be a natual antiseptic. It is usefull to kill bacteries. The steps is: rub the oil in holed teeth with cotton.
               2. Shallost
Shallost not only is used to cooking but also to terating tootache. It  also has natural antiseptic. The steps : Get one frang of shallost , refine, then stick on illness tootache.
3. Garlic
Garlic and shallost like a couple. It can be medicine. The steps : Get 1 fang of garlic, then you must pound it until soft. Add salt and pound again. Stick on the illness.
              4. Avocado Fruit
We can use avocado's seed to treat tootache. Steps : Refine the seed by pound it. And scatter to the illness tooth.
 5. Green chili
Sometimes we need green chili to make sharp spice. It is very spice. To treat tootache, prepare the green chili. Heat the green chili purport. When it is hot enough, stick on the illness tooth.
                     6. Sunflowers.
Sun fower can be medicine too. Prepare 60 gr sun flower and 5 gr ginger. Those ingredients are boiled in 600 cc water to the remaining half. Drink when it is glowing. Do twice a day until you get better 7. Inggu Leaves
It has long time that Inggu leaves can treats tootache. The steps is very easy. Prepare inggu leaves 2-5 gr. Then, boiled it until boiling. After it is coll, drink it.

They are several natural medicine to treats tootache. It is easy to meet them. But if you still have tootache, you can visit specialist doctor to examine your illness.

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