Thursday, April 18, 2013

Be Better with Preaching

After several times is delayed because busy activity, finally "Hadila" can stay in touch with Farida Rahmawati MS. She is a charity ambassador of "Solopeduli". With self carriage opens, be this self in touch impressed liquid, not rigid.
From this self in touch we talk about many thing, intend preaching. She tells about moslem's problems " Earlier know Solopeduli is when she look for help medical expenses for her uncle to the Solopeduli". She said
Then, a woman who dedicating herself in playgroup and TKIT Az-Zahra, Sragen, say that after get help for Solopeduli, she get promise to join social preaching with Solopeduli.
Our participate in Solopeduli because social mission and humanity which rolled out Solopeduli by its programs" she said.
In the distance, Ida can open heart society to like alms with Solopeduli. Now, She codonatordinate 90-s donors.It is not easy to  invite someone do deeds , but its a preaching for me. I am sure there is a ease after difficulty.
"This energy for preaching  Turn on when many people do  not want to alms. So, she divided her time to family, education and preaching.
Lucky, her husband, family, partner and system in her office give a support to preaching. They be my guardian my spirit to still consistent in preaching. Otherwise she is sure with do deeds, her lives is more meaningful.
Ida is very sad with moslem's problem such as poverly and ignorance. Many of moslems prefers signs of wordly in the form of a false figure.
Our young generation prefer culture of Korea. They are forget about moslems problem which s very emergency.
"So, she hopes Solopeduli more attention with young generation as a preaching target. This is our homework to look for solutions"

It is sourced from Hadila magazine edition 66 December 2012

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