Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Power of Forgiveness

There is  a story about 2 closed friends. They were walked across the desert. In  the middle of distance, they quarreled and one of them slapped one.  People who was slapped is "X". And people who slapped his friend is "Y". X felt angry and sad. But, without say anything he wrote on the top of sand. "This day my best friend slapped my cheeks"

They still walked until found an oasis. They decided to take a bath. X, try tried to swim but he nearly sank. Lucky, his friend "Y" can saved him. When he woke up from fainting, he wrote again. But, he wrote on the top of stone " Today, my bet Friend had saved my live"

Y was very wonder and asked to X. "Why did you write on the top of sand after I hurt your heart? And now you write on the stone after I save you?"

X, answered with smiling. " When a friend injured your heart you must wrote on the sand. So, wind of forgiveness will remove this writing. And if friend do something amazing for us, you must sclupt on the stone. So, it can not lost by wind".

Strife with partner of our work is often happened. Different opinion if in the reasonable limits. But, do not create revenge. When I join a seminar " Anything is Possible" is importance about learn of forgive. Envy, jealously are several example illness to the heart. This disease can undermined our heart. It spends our energy. So, it appears lazy, tired and no creativity.

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