Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mussel Soup

Ingredients :
  • 1 kg of mussel , clean it until clear. 
  • 250 gr squid already weeded
  • 4 garlic, clove it
  • 4 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 2 tablespoons chili grind
  • 2 leeks
  • 10 chilies
  • 3 pieces of lemongrass
  • 2 tablespoons of coriander leaves
  • 1000 ml fish both
  • 100 ml oil 
  • 1 sachet spice broth
  • 4 tablespoons of lime water

Nature Coconut Oil

East Java Gado- Gado

Ingredients :
  • 3 leaves of lime
  • 2 grains of lemongrass
  • 400 ml coconut milk
  • 200 ml water

Spices  :
  •  250 gr peanuts
  • 4 garlics
  • 2 onions
  • 150 gr Java sugar
  • 3 tablespoons of ketchup
  • salt

How to Make it :
  • All of vegetables and eggs are boiled until  mature.
  • Spices softness, and sauteed with litlle oil until fragant.
  • Added leaves lime and lemongrass and water, the last added coconut milk.

Packing Cubes

Friday, April 26, 2013

Waung Chicken Pecel

Ingredients :
  • 3 glass of coconut milk from 1/2 of a coconut
  • 2 bay leaves and orange leaves
  • 2 cm galangal
  • 1 bunch of basil

How to Make :
  • Wash the chicken and coat with tamarind water which is mixed salt. Then until half cooked
  • Stir-fry soft seasoning with galangal, bay leaves, brown sugar, then give coconut milk and stir. 
  • Put in chicken, still cooked until mature. 
  • Serving with basil.

Fried Chicken Baron

  • 1 whole young  chicken, cut into 4 parts
  • 6 springs of garlic
  • 3 springs of onions
  • 5 hazelnut
  • 1 vertebra of turmeric
  • 1 vertebra of ginger
  • 1 vertebra of kencur
  • 1 vertebrate of galangal
  • 3 orange leaves and bay leaves
  • 1 pieces of lemongrass
  • 1 pcs of seasoned flour
  • oil to fry

How to Make It
  • Make all of flour soft except galangal, bay leaves and lemongrass
  • Sprinkle chicken with acidid water. 
  • Boiled chicken with soft seasoning until the chicken is tender.
  • Sprinkle  chicken with seasoning flour , then fry until cooked.
  • Serve with white rice and sambal.

Indonesia National resistance Properties

  • Independent
National Resistance has a believe to ability and own power with tenacity and toughness that contains principles easily give up. We, rests on identity, integrity and personality of the nation. Independent is one of prerequisite of cooperation to establishing mutually beneficial cooperation in global development.
  • Dynamic
National resistance is not fixed. It can change to increase or decrease depending on the situation and environmental. It is suitable with definition that everything in the world will be challenge. And it changes constantly changing. So, effort to increase national resistance must be oriented to the future. The dynamic must be directed to reach more good national life condition .
  • Consultation and Cooperation
Our national resistance do not count sheer power. But, more consultative and protagonist. And we are mutual respect by relying on the power of moral and national identity.

Wow.. Modern AND Artistic

Educate Childreen without Forture.

Kids are precious gift from God. So, this precious gift must be grateful by keep it. We must give  good education and affection to them. It is a basic of events " National Education Seminar Psychology Child" is presented on January 15th 2012. It is in the " Balai Tawang Arum, city hall, Solo presentes Ust. Muhammad Fauzil Adhim, S.Psi and Uszh. Farida Nur Aini, S.Sos.

In this seminar, Ustzh. Farida explain that a child has a rights to get a good parents and give a good examples models to them. " Unfortunately 60 % child abuse has occured by mother "said her.
And Ust. Fauzil Adhim asserted that almost of parents do not think about  vision, mission and provision of life and education  to our child. In process of teach kids, we need reward and punishment. " Be angry t the kids is needed to teach them. But, abuse to them is very forbidden.
Kids indeed needed firm education. But, assertiveness is not the same as violence"

" Old enough to torture a child by making everything completely easy for their childreen "


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tasty Donuts, Soft And Gentle

Ingredients :
 A Dough Donuts
  • 850 gr wheat flour
  • 30 gr instant yeast
  • 10 gr salt
  • 600 ml boiled water 

 B Dough Donuts

  • 200 gr flour  "CAKRA"
  • 10 gr salt
  • 60 gr powder of  milk 
  • 125 gr sugar
  • 100 gr eggs
  • 125 gr white butter

How to Make It :
  • Stir A dough donuts until average. Leave 90 minutes.
  • Mix A and B dough donuts. Knead until smooth approximately 10 minutes. Leave in the closed container approximately 10 minutes. 
  • Milled thin  approximately 10cm. Make donuts shape. Leave 10 minutes again. 
  • Fried in hot oil. 
  • Drain then give toppings approximate.

A Delicious Fried Rice

Ingredients :
  • 4 plates of rice
  • 200 gr of shrimp, peeled, give salt and fred it
  • 1 of poached chicken breast and shredded
  • 4 of eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 2 teaspoons of pure tomatoes
  • cucmber

  • 6 pieces of red chilies
  • 10 r ed onions
  • 1 cm shrimp paste
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of salt

How to make it :
  • Saute ground spices with butter, pour 2 tablespoon of water and pure tomatoes.
  • Added chicken meat and stir well.
  • Put in the rice until evenly.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A traveler Bag

Rest assured

We must believe that God will answer our praying. Remember that Allah according  with pressupposition servant. If we do not believe Allah will answer our praying, so this will happened. In praying we must can remove doubts and remain convinced that it is someone that wish come true prayer is best for us. Alla promise " Pray unto me , inescapably I will surely grant." God has passed with so obvious  right?
The more we convinced, so more chance God will answer our praying . So, one thing we must plant in our soul. It is a confidence. Although it needs long time to answer it. Away from nature in haste. Because it can fade  confidence in praying.

Ibnul Qayyim said" Including diseases that block answering praying is haste. We are not patient and be lazy to pray."

Avoid mind that poisons the liver as " I have pray but  God do not answer." IT is a haste sentence.. So, if we wnat our praying is answered, what ever answering, we must still confidence.
Ibnu Jauzi said "Know that muslim"s praying will not be refused. Maybe the answering is delayed or replaced with better ones.
 Be concentrate and solem in praying. Understand and truly permeated what we ask.Pray just not  said some words without understand the meaning. The perfectness of prayer is effected our performance when praying. God do not only hear words but also pureness heart. So, when we pray, we must understand, believe and conscious with what we ask.

Fresh Glass of Ice Teller

Ingredients :
  • Avocado 3 pieces, cut into square
  • Diced jackfruit
  • Young coconut, take flesh
  • And fro 250 gr
  • Sweetened condensed  milk white 150 ml
  • Coconut milk 1 liter from 1 pieces coconut
  • 1 Pandan leaves
  • Salt
  • White Pudding powder
  • Water 33 ml
  • Sugar 150 gr
  • Shaved ice

How to make :
  •  Pudding : Mix water, agar-agar  and 75 gr sugar until boiling , remove and drain.
  • Drawstrings with cheese shavings, lift and drain. 
  • Mix coconut water, salt and pandan leaves. Boiled until boiling while stirring so as not to break. Lift and let cool.
  • Boiled and fro wth 75 gr sugar until soft. Lift and remove the water.
  • Arrange in the servings bowl : avocado, jackfruit, and fro, and agar-agar. Pour syrup and coconut . Then added shaved ice and coconut milk water.

Praying for Something

 We hope God grant our wises. Whatever for example success, happiness, and kindness. In the world or in the hereafter. As well as with other people you and the people who had been instrumental in us.
Rsulullah said
"Be sure you ask. Be sure you ask" (HR. Tirmidzi)

Avoid  praying ugliness. A moslem forbidden pray obliteration and destruction  to fellow moslems. No one's perfect faith so, he loves brother as he lover himself. Pray badness is same as pray badness to ownself.
" It is  not a muslim brother pray silently. Unless the angel said and you like what you ask for him" (HR. Muslim)
Ask to God in everything situation and condition. Do not pray when you are sad or distress and need help. In the Al Quran, God often offensive attitude of people who only pray in desperate situation
God said
" And if muslim is dissaster struck, so  he pray to Us in a state of lying, sitting or standing. But, after We remove sruckto him, him back through his wandering path. As if he never prays to us for removing struckthat have befallen him."
Actually praying do not attent time. Whenever and however  we can pray. But, Islam ever give to know special and thebest  times to praying.
  • 10 Last nights in the Ramadhan months.
  • Arafah day ( 9 Dzulhijjah )
  • During Ramadhan months
  • 1/3 of the night
  • Meal time (before dawn)
  • After ablution
  • Between prayer and iqamah
  • After prayers far
  • And so on.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Nutiva Organic Seeds

How to teach the Kids to Spare her Money?

Parents has responsibility to deliver the kids become a truth human. A truth human can spare taklif load discharge.  One of our responsibility is ability to spare her money responsible manner (tasharruf). They do not fall down in wasteful or excessive attitude. All of its needs syari'a science and forging themselves from parents or childreen.
Ability to set financial is very important. Teacher do not just limit amount of money. But, also train them to spare their money suitable to the rule's God.
We teach  them to prepare life in the future. We wrought them so, their hereafter orientation can grow in the chest.
So, hereafter or something will become their goal? Or, they are just busy to chase achievement? We do not just invite them to life and feel budget priority.
Science duty and rights  to treasure will form them understand. But, a good attitude and use treasure carefully will appear  because an exercise.

Nosebleeds in Childreen

Nosebleeds or Bleeding at the nose is common complaint in childreen  but its volume reduce  after puberty.This bleeding at the nose is usually just temporary and not heavy. The reason is often traume clean up the nose. If it collection of blood vessel branching or medically is called "Pleksus Kiesselbach" in the nose. It is easy to appear Nosebleeds.
Apart from the nosebleeds in childreen can be found in the state adenoid enlargement, polyps, allergies, sinusitis  or acute infections. Severe bleeding can be found Congenital Vascular Abnormalities. And kid has low platelet count. In medically is called Trombositopeni Purpura or blood dengue fever and deficiency of blood clotting factors.
For treatment , the nosebleeds  will stop on its own during several minutes. We ca do something to make the kids are not panic. The steps is [ressing the nosebleeds section. Usually this action will stop the nosebleeds. But, if nosebleeds still continue, you should the kid ti the hospital.
The first act which can we do. We can teach the kid do not clean up the nose. Parents must remember, what the kids ever bit hard in the nose. So, doctor gets information to treat the patients. Doctors will examine the nasal mucosa. And usually, doctor give advice to check the blood, matbe there is a abnormalities.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

For Your Cute Baby

Kartini's Day

Today is 21 in April 2013
In my college Universitas Negeri Semarang is celebrated Kartini's Day. It is peresented by UKKI. What is UKKI? UKKI is head of Unit Kegiatan Kerohanian Islam (Islamic Clapaincy Activities Units). It is a part of Campus Missionary Institute.
One of Department as AN-NISSA is pioneered this event. This event has name " TALKSHOW KEMUSLIMAHAN" the theme is "Because Women are Coloring Civilization". This is a big event. More than 500 participants and other college example UDINUS. Big event and Wonderful speakers.

This event is opened by reading Al Quran. Then, it is continued . At 09.00 a.m. the main course is started. The first speaker is Dra. Hj. Darosy Endah. She is a inspiring women. She is a host in event " My Home My Heaven" in TVRI. And her family wins a competition of family in Indonesia.
She started give her opinion about the role of family and state. Women must beautiful not with phisyc but with her patient and her affection. There is a expresion" Behind a success Man there is a strong Women". So, role of women is very important. They must be smart because they will teach her kids first before in the school. Mother is first school for kids.

R.A. Kartini had created a great book. " Darkness has also come out Brighter". It is a great books. This books inspiring womens to get an education. Because a clever mother will teach goodness to the kids. But, women can not spend her duty to the husband.


Saturday, April 20, 2013


Gado-Gado East Java

Ingredients :
  • Rice Cake
  • Longs beans
  • Prawn Crackers
  • Kale
  • Leaf Lettuce
  • Bean sprouts
  • Young cucumber

Peanut sauce :
  • Peanut Fried (30 gr)
  • Coconut milk 250 ml
  • Red Chilies 3 pieces
  • Fried Garlic
  • 1/2 tablespoon
  • Fried Onion 1 tablespoon
  • Acidid water 1/2 tablesspoon
  • salt
  • Brow sugar comb 1/2 tablespoon
  • Shrimp Paste  1/2 teaspoon
  • Bay leaves

How to Make :
  • Peanut sauce. Softness the peanut, garlic, onion and shrimp paste
  • Added red chilies, make it soft
  • Put in soft spices in the pan
  • Added other spices
  • Boiled it stirring constantly until boilling and oily. Lift
  • Arrange in the plate

Business Problem

Important Variable  :
1. Price
How about your price product?
Whether the price you offer enough of your product compete? It is important to know how about the price of your competitor. You can try to make interesting promos. Promo should not discount. You can give a new prize. For example if consumers buy a product, they will get another product. You can make cross-subsidies.
2. Place
You must give attention about development of the layout of the city and the dynamics of development. Do your location is easy to find it? The crowded traffic do not guarantee you will hit  store. A safe and convenient parking a lot will be consideration .
3. Promotion
After your business walk along several years, how about your promotion? Try to do strategy promo suitable your market.
4. Consumers Loyality
In this special parts, businessman must familiar with their consumers. Thus, he must know and memorizes names, city, jobs and soon. It is very important if there is a consumer run to the other store. You can communicate by phone or direct visit to the prospective consumer.
5. Merchandise
You can give a souvenir to them. So, they will remember with you and your business. Calender, t-shirt or umbrella.

Friday, April 19, 2013

portable AQUA

Apple Lemon Juice

Ingredients :
  •  1 apple
  • 3 limes
  • sugar

How to Make It?
1. Cut the Apple  then put in the blender.
2. Halved and squeeze oranges. Make ones with apple.
3. Make it softness with blender.
4. Juice is ready to drink with ice.

Reach Wordly Heaven

Heaven world originated from our home, so there is a terms  my home my heaven. I often make a simple description about heaven world. Description about heaven is wonderful and happiness, make all people feel at home in it. So, to make it happen, notice several unsure which contents it :
1. A Delightful Husband and father
 Husband as a chief  of family has big effect to form household atmosphere. If husband is fierce, easily offended, and easily misunderstood, so there is not heaven is built with him. A husband should leads his family in the obedience to the God.He can make his wife is happy and feel at home in it.
2. A Delightful Wife and Mother
Wife has significant effect to create a household atmosphere. If, wife is fierce, extravagant, pleasure loving, o there is no heaven is built with her. 
A wife Should is pleasant in speech and behavior and manner. So, she can makes her husband is happy with her. And she should can present a heaven under the soles of her feet. So, she can make kids closely and follow her advice.
3. A Delightful Kids
House be a pride and hope family, nation and state in the future. So, there is a proper education to them.  Parents must give a halal sustenance and provide exemplary.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


The Power of Forgiveness

There is  a story about 2 closed friends. They were walked across the desert. In  the middle of distance, they quarreled and one of them slapped one.  People who was slapped is "X". And people who slapped his friend is "Y". X felt angry and sad. But, without say anything he wrote on the top of sand. "This day my best friend slapped my cheeks"

They still walked until found an oasis. They decided to take a bath. X, try tried to swim but he nearly sank. Lucky, his friend "Y" can saved him. When he woke up from fainting, he wrote again. But, he wrote on the top of stone " Today, my bet Friend had saved my live"

Y was very wonder and asked to X. "Why did you write on the top of sand after I hurt your heart? And now you write on the stone after I save you?"

X, answered with smiling. " When a friend injured your heart you must wrote on the sand. So, wind of forgiveness will remove this writing. And if friend do something amazing for us, you must sclupt on the stone. So, it can not lost by wind".

Strife with partner of our work is often happened. Different opinion if in the reasonable limits. But, do not create revenge. When I join a seminar " Anything is Possible" is importance about learn of forgive. Envy, jealously are several example illness to the heart. This disease can undermined our heart. It spends our energy. So, it appears lazy, tired and no creativity.

Be Better with Preaching

After several times is delayed because busy activity, finally "Hadila" can stay in touch with Farida Rahmawati MS. She is a charity ambassador of "Solopeduli". With self carriage opens, be this self in touch impressed liquid, not rigid.
From this self in touch we talk about many thing, intend preaching. She tells about moslem's problems " Earlier know Solopeduli is when she look for help medical expenses for her uncle to the Solopeduli". She said
Then, a woman who dedicating herself in playgroup and TKIT Az-Zahra, Sragen, say that after get help for Solopeduli, she get promise to join social preaching with Solopeduli.
Our participate in Solopeduli because social mission and humanity which rolled out Solopeduli by its programs" she said.
In the distance, Ida can open heart society to like alms with Solopeduli. Now, She codonatordinate 90-s donors.It is not easy to  invite someone do deeds , but its a preaching for me. I am sure there is a ease after difficulty.
"This energy for preaching  Turn on when many people do  not want to alms. So, she divided her time to family, education and preaching.
Lucky, her husband, family, partner and system in her office give a support to preaching. They be my guardian my spirit to still consistent in preaching. Otherwise she is sure with do deeds, her lives is more meaningful.
Ida is very sad with moslem's problem such as poverly and ignorance. Many of moslems prefers signs of wordly in the form of a false figure.
Our young generation prefer culture of Korea. They are forget about moslems problem which s very emergency.
"So, she hopes Solopeduli more attention with young generation as a preaching target. This is our homework to look for solutions"

It is sourced from Hadila magazine edition 66 December 2012

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Efficacy of Cocor Bebek ( Kalanchoe Pinanta)

"Cocor Bebek " ( latin discussed: Kalanchoe pinnanta syn. Bryophyllum calycinum syn. Bryophyllum pinnantum) is sukulen plant ( contents water). It come from Madgaskar. Cocor Bebek is popular  as a ornamental plants, but many of them as a wild plants in the gardens or edge of the trench.

The plants has soft and segmented stem. The leaves are thick and fleshy also contents of water. It contents of malic acid, resin, mucous substances, magnesium malate, calcium oxalate, formic acid , and tannins. Cocor bebek has a feelings a little bit sour, soft and coll, contents acid lemons, acid apple, vitamin C , alkaloid, flavonoid, quercetin-3-diarabinoside, kaempferol-3-diarabinoside, and kaempferol-3-glucoside.This chemistry make cocor bebek is used to many treatment.
There is efficacy of Cocor Bebek :
1. Heal Hemmorhoids
This leaves are washed clearly. Then, areated until dry. Then make a powder. Makers 1 tablespoons of  powder with 1 cup hot water. Added 1 tablespoon of honey and drink during it is warm.
2. Treating stomach pain
Squeeze 5 leaves cocor bebek, added little salt, then drink the water.
3. Treating Vomiting Blood.
Pulverized 7 leaves of cocor bebek , added red sugar, steamed and drink during warm.
4. Treating Tonsillitis
5-10 leaves  are pulverized , the water to  gargle.
5. Treating Inflammation of the external ear
Water squeezed leaves is used as a ears drops.
6. Treating Headchace
Get leaves,
squeeze with fennel outward appearance and stick on the forehead.
7. Treating Ulcers
30-60 gr leaves steamed. Get the water added honey then drink it ( rest of squeeze stick on the pain)
8. Pain
Leaves of Cocor Bebek shredded or groud . Added little water and smeared to the pain. Dressing every 3 hours.

Everything is Easy with Alms

There is a true story about the miracle of alms.

There is a couple of husband and wife. They had been got married. Surely, they hope get a descent. Month to months I wait for its. But, there is not sign of pregnancy. Maybe because of I do not get what I  hope, so I be stress. Finally, I ask advice from my husband and my friends. They give me advice to be patient.
One day, in Ramadhan month, I talk to my husband. I want to alms as a way to get a descent. My husband said that baby is expensive, so we must release much alms. We must to do that. We give alms some wealth to poor people.
And also, before I pregnant I had promised if I pregnant I will give alms every months until I childbirth. And God's promised is always true. In the "takbiran" night I am positive pregnant.
So, since the time I start my promise to give alms every months in the free maternity clinic in Solo. My desire just one. I want to help poor people to maternity easily. So, God gives me ease when I maternity.
Time which we waiting for is come. A week since "HPL" time, my first kid is birth. I maternity by cesarean operation. Because it is difficult by nature way. A man kids had birth in the world. We are very moved happy.
After that, we must pay cost of maternity in the hospital. It is 8 million. It is too expensive for my husband as a teacher. My saving is not enough. Whereas rent  house is due. So, we must look for credit. Because we do not want to troublesome my parents.
Subhanallah, unexpected. my friend give 5 million as zakat his family. It is an ease from God. My cost is reduced. From this money added my saving, we can pay maternity cost, rent house and "aqiqoh" cost.
And help for my other friends. We do not stopped say grateful for this gift. We be more sure that with

alms everything is easy.