Thursday, May 16, 2013


1. Product ice cream is demand by all people including children, adolescents, and adults.
2. There are many variety of ice cream the flavors that do not make costumers are saturated.
3. Price varied
4. The concept cafe is in top of tree is the first in the area.

Wekaness :
1. Ice do not make long
2. There is a perception in the social that consumption of ice cream could make body to gain weight.
3. The materials of ice cream is expensive.
4. Making cafe tree is need big costs and difficult

Opportunity :
1. There are only 2 competitors standing ice cream
2. Close to campus, educations agencies, and near to the traffic

Threats  :
1. Possible competitors can imitate cafe concept and the existing menus.
2. When the rainy season, ice cream is not too enthused.

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