Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Build businss with Confidence.

Family do not enterpreneurship in his blood stream. But, his determined is very strong.  He is Rahmad Mudito, SE, MM. His business was established in 2001 at Jl. Ronggowarsito No.144 Solo. Initially, he only sold 50 chairs. But, now he can sell 00 chairs, 200 tables, tents and other supplies. He said "We try to keep the good name of the company through a quality product".
But, his business are not easy. He has suffered losses due to fraud. Then, there was no news about the repayment of the loan. So, I had vacuum during 1 years.
He, found new idea. And he believe for his skill and he believe to the God. Slowly but Surely he continue to pursue his business.
Now, his omzet less is more 10 million each months. This nominal is change suitable market share.

For the costumers are private institutions and government institutions. Mudito are very optimist that his business will grow rapidly. Mudito business provide rental equipment.  rental meeting  hall, building The planning of his business is building has 2 floors can contents 200 guests.

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