Friday, May 31, 2013

wHY Monopolies Arise

Barriers to entry is caused by 3 points :
  • Strategic ownership of factors of production
  • Government give  the exclusive right to the one firm to produce goods
  • Production cost make a single producer more efficient than a large number of producers. 

Government - Created Monopolies
 A firm maybe limit entry with give a firm an exclusive right to sell good in the certain markets.
Governments- Created Monopolies
Patents and Copyrights law are two examples how government create a monopoly to meet the public needs.
Natural Monopolies
A firm is a natural monopoly  when a firm can supply goods and services.


 If a Competitive Firm is a price taker, so a monopoly firm is a price maker.
Terms :
  • There is one firm in the market
  • There is not other seller which can sell a substitution for output. 
  • There is a barriers to other firm to entry.

Why monopolist arise?  Main cause monopoly is "barriers to entry"
Monopoly Resources
Although exclusive ownership of a key resource is a potential source of monopoly, in practice monopolies rarely arise for this reason.
A monopolist revenue
TR = P * Q = TR
TR/Q = AR = Q

Marginal Revenue
delta TR / delta Q = MR

NICE Jewelry

Long Run Market Supply

  • In the Long-Run firm gets zero profit
  • If the Long-Run, supply curve industry is perfectly elastic. The market is called Constant-cost Industry. It has means if output rises, so it does not effect input price.

2 Possible :
  • Increasing-cost Industry
Cost structure rise because price of input rise with new firm entry to the market and existing firms expand the business. So, LR Supply Curve is positive.
  • Decreasing-cost Industry
Cost structure decreased because the price of input decreased with output industry. So, LR Supplu is negative

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Coconut Oil

Long-Run Competitive Equilibrium

  • Zero profit does not mean that firm do not get anything to every unit work down. 
  • Equilibrium of producer in optimal scale of plant (Long-Ru Total Cost minimum  and Long-Run Average Cost also minimum. 
  • Producers just produce normal profit, can not produce profit again.

An Increase in Demand
Increase demand support price is higher and more much profit
  • Existing firm increase outpt
  • New firm entries market, increase output continuous
  • The price fall down until  all profit be eroded. 
  • If the price of input  ts constant new equilibrium will present in original price but output are higher.
  • Original firms will be back in position original output , but the firm in market is too much, total output will increase.
  • In the short run, price levels adjust, but in the long-run adaption is done by quantity.


Short Run Market Supply and Demand

  • While perfectly elastic demand curve, curve-owned industrial  has perfect slope slant. 
  • For Industrial demand Curve, we use market demand curve
  • Market demand curve is total horizontally MC Curve all of firm. We must into account every change of input price . 

Long-Run Competitive Equilibrium
  • Profit and Losses are not consistent in long terms.
  • Profit create insentif for  new firms to entry , output will rise and price will fall until zero profits. 
  • The existence of losses cause firms leave competitive e industry.  from a competitive
Long-Run Competitive Equilibrium
  • Only when zero profit entry and exit process stopped
  • Zero profit condition  explain long term equilibrium from a competitive industry.

Shutdown Point

Shutdown point is a point when firm is better to stop than still produce (P=AVC)
  • Firm will stop if they can not control Average Variable Cost (AVC)
  • Firm will continue its produce if the price is bigger than AVC
  • If the price still continue to fall, it is makes sense  if they stop to saves Variable Cost.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Demand curve for the the Firm and the Industry

Individual Firm will increase its output as a responses for rising demand, although can cause prices down together the situation will become worse.
Profit maximizing Level of Output
The goal of the firm is to maximize profit. Profit is difference between Revenue total and cost total.
What will be happened with profit as a response in the change of output is determined by Marginal Revenue (MR) and Marginal Cost (MC)

A firm maximizes profit when MC=MR 

  • Marginal Revenue (MR) is changes revenue total related to changes in quantity. 
  • Marginal Cost (MC) is changes cost total related to changes in quantity.
  • Actors in Perfectly Competitive Market receive the market price (P) as a given 
  • So, Marginal revenue as same as with price (MR=P)
  • In the beginning marginal cost dropped and then started to rise.
  • To maximize profit a firm must produces when marginal cost as same as marginal revenue  (MC=MR)

Simpke and elegant Bottle

Perfectly Competitive Market

That should qualify is as follows :
1. Buyers and sellers , they are price takers
2. Number of firm are very much
3. There is no barrier to entry
4. Perfect information
5. It produces identic product. Either the buyer or the seller , they will be informed that the items available in the markets.

The definition of Supply and Perfect Competition
Supply is a set of quantity supplied to the markets with different price levels. When firms operates in perfectly competition, supply curve is shown by short term MC curve is available in top of AVC (on top of shut down point). Shutdown Point is a condition when that if the process is run, the company will not make a profit but also do not cause any harm. If the firm operates at capacity under Shutdown Point will be loss. 

Demand Curves for the Firm and the Industry
Demand curve which is faced  by firm is different from industry demand curve.
The firm's demand which is perfectly competitive that is perfectly elastic.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Function of The Leader

  • Function associated with the task. Function which is done in the form of the tasks to reach main goal.  
  • Maintenance function Group. Covers all things that make up the group carry out operation task to accomplish tasks and goal. 

Are there an ideal Leadership style ?
  • Yes there is, if it can completed  requirements :
 1. Actively involving employees.
2. Focus on tasks and employees
3. Use participate Management
  • No there is not. 
Because there is not an ideal Leadership style in the world. Leadership is very complicated. The best leadership style if it can adapted to the related variables.

 Characteristic of an ideal Leader :  
  • Strong Memory
  • Integrative Capacity
  • Educating Skills
  • Rationality 
  • Objectivity
  • Mental Maturity


George R. Terry define that leadership is relationship in a person or a leader influence others to work consciously in relation to the task of achieving a particular goal.
Sources of Power :
1. Reward Power
Arises because he has the ability to control resources that can affect other people.
2. Coercive Power
Arises because he has ability to impose punishment or negate the positive events to other people.
3. Legitimate Power
Arises because they have a position as a officials in the organization structure who has power to control resources formally.
4. Referent Power
Arises because he as an interest and good personality  or certain charisma.  Sp, he become a model  for another people, because he has ideal personality.
5. Expert Power
Arises because has ability, skill and knowledge in specific field.

Very simple

Banana peel not only useless organic waste. In the hands of students majoring in Agribusiness Brawijaya University in Malang. Banana peel into the ice cream is delicious nutritious. This idea is come from coursework.
How to Make it :
  • Banana peel skin clean and fresh
  • Then, cleaned banana peel boiled and mashed with sugar water. 
  • Then mixed with dough ice cream and given a variety of different flavors to taste.
There are a variety of flavors like chocolate, cappucino, vanilla, and and strawberry. However they are constrained to the mass production of raw materials. Because there is no supply of banana peel in large numbers. During this time, they collect from merchants fried bananas.
Who would have though it a banana skin vitamin
bigger than a banana. Among other banana skin contains vitamins A, B,C, protein, calcium and fats are sufficient. Ice cream banana was named the flagship product of the Faculty of Agriculture in 2010. Each cup is sold Rp 3.000,00
Initially, they planned a banana skin becomes raw material bag. However, they production process it requires huge cost. As well as the long processing time. So, they switch harness into ice cream. Their products are unique and innovative.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Advice from your bestfriend

Thou fear God. Imagine hereafter in your heart. Make the shadow of death is in the eye lids. Be the distinguished embarrassment to God. Stay away from his prohibitions and serve his duty. Be consistent with the duty wherever located. Once in awhile do not underestimate God's favor given to you even if small. Embrace it with gratitude (testament to Imam Shafi'i 150-204 Hijriah)

Kids are Investment

" And be afraid of those from Allah if those whom they life behind children who are weak. All that they are concerned about the welfare them. Therefore, should put their trust in God and let them pronounce words correctly./' (Q.S. An Nisa :9)

Women as the foundation of state :
As the first primary educator for child who would bef or the nations next generation of leaders.
Because child is a message for Allah  been entrusted to parents.

The first educations are :
1. synonymous with softness. 
2. Full of affection.
3. Sincere sacrifice.

Kids like an ocean which contents many pearls. Parents especially mother is a divers. Mother must dive soul of kids, so she can find the special pearl in the soul of kids.

Important, Special Foods

Beauty ?

Because beauty is a natural. It is a grace for God. In Esense , every women get a genetic of beauty. So, it is our homework to find this thing. Is it difficult to find it? No it is not. If you understand yourself well. You know about yourself carefully. Where is your strength, weakness. Then, you must explore the strength with positive way. For example you is an ambitious people, so you must try to look fro opportunity of business. Ambitious is very important in entrepreneurship. Do not save your potential skill alone. Because you is social creatures. If you share your strength with another people, it will be made you more light. Believe it !!

For your weakness, do not be sad or shy and  stress. God infinite justice. God create strength coupled with shortage. So, what can you do? First you must grateful whatever yourself. Then, reduce your weakness gradually. Because, it is very difficult to reduce your habbits. Start with small action.  Then, change it be more goods. For example, you is an introvet people, you can start with be active in discussion. You make relationship with many people. You must establish your mental. step by step. Believe it. ...!!


Because Woman dye Civilization

Context of women's empowerment Kartini idea :
1. Demanded that women get same education with man so, women are skilled to teach their children. And education is window of progress of the nation.
2. Not want equal rights and obligations with man.
3. Women as pillar of the state, so women do not leave her duty as wife and main teacher to children.

1. Culture
2. Habbits
3. Value
4. Morale
5. Refinement of thought, manners, and taste
6. Should continue to be studied and learned.

  • Women coloring civilization with aqeedah, morals, and faith. 
  • Smart women is beautiful. So, women must like reading. Reading books, magazines, newspapers, science and so on. We get many information by reading. For example you read newspapers about politic. So, you know how about politic in Indonesia. Who is the best politician? Are there a mall practice in politic and so on. Maybe women like read beauty magazine. So, women can keep on their body stay in a good health. 
  • Words and Behavior garnished with a noble Character. Noble character is looked in your  habbits. When you do something, when you prefer something, and when you like something, everything can describe your personalization.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


1. Product ice cream is demand by all people including children, adolescents, and adults.
2. There are many variety of ice cream the flavors that do not make costumers are saturated.
3. Price varied
4. The concept cafe is in top of tree is the first in the area.

Wekaness :
1. Ice do not make long
2. There is a perception in the social that consumption of ice cream could make body to gain weight.
3. The materials of ice cream is expensive.
4. Making cafe tree is need big costs and difficult

Opportunity :
1. There are only 2 competitors standing ice cream
2. Close to campus, educations agencies, and near to the traffic

Threats  :
1. Possible competitors can imitate cafe concept and the existing menus.
2. When the rainy season, ice cream is not too enthused.


Just for your lovely Baby

Organizational Behavior

Definition of Organization
Any form alliance between 2 or more people who work in the development in the framework formally as well as the achievement the special goal.
Organizational Behavior is field of study that examines the influence of behavior that are owned individuals, group, and organizations and aims to apply that is directed to the achievement of effective and efficient.

Related Sciences :
1. Psychology : measure, explain, change human behavior.
2. Social Psychology : influence a person against another individual.
3. Sociology : human behavior in the environment and culture respectively.
4. Anthropology : human and their behavior.

Challenges and opportunity for organizational behavior :
1. Threats expatriats
employees employed in the long term to other regions / company subsidiary to make improvements.
2. Work with different culture
3. Increasing productivity and Quality
4. Lack of manpower
5. To greater ethical behavior.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cost Function

"The costs of something is What you give up to get it"
There are 2 kinds of costs. Eksplicit Cots and Implicit Costs.
  • Eksplicit Costs is cash payment for purchased resources in the resources market. For example: Insurance cost, rent expense.
  • Implicit Cost is indirect payment made from company's cash. For example :the opprtunity cost of owner's time, building which is had for the owner. 


Sunday, May 12, 2013

At Nglimut , Kendal , Centre of Jave

Make sense of Down.

Between human creation and permanence of death

Death or the time of limit human life is interval (period of time) that certain established by God for his servant. That is before the creation and establishment of himself.
Because death and fortune, so as well age that certain established God. As for the phases of the creation of itself, starting with the quintessence of the land. Creation of human ancestors that prophet Adam. God subsequently bequeathed it to the earth and humans. In this earth, there are many creatures. They dhikr and exalt to Him. All of creatures include believers and non believers.
Overall there are 7 of phases creation humans :
1. Quintessence of the land
2. Semen
3. Plume direction
4. Lump of flesh
5. Bones
6. Meat
7. Blowing soul sustenance coupled with the determination of at end.
In this phase, Allah blew the spirits, so appear life. Ruh is Allah Almighty's creatures Creating and Hidden secrets.

Sewing Machines

Depok Beach at Jogjakarta

After we visited Business and Economic Faculty of UGM, we followe our amazing trip to Depok Beach. It was not special beach. It is similar to the beach in Kebumen generally. Such as Petanahan beach, Bocor beach and soon. We got off the bus and directly ran to the wave. Before we play water, we took photograph each department at a time accompanied coastal breezes gentle. After that we used 90 minutes to player water together and did not forget to took photographs. My clothes was wet, so I must replace with a new one. But, we could not look sunset because the cloudy weather.  Afterr took a bath we got in the bus. We did not get to taste the local cuisine there or buy something trademark.

Comparative Study go to JMME UGM

11 Mei 2013. It is a special day for me and my lovely organization. EKSIS ROHIS FE UNNES 1434 H. We have an ekstern event. It is Dept. Made In work program. "Comparative Study, Visit JMME UGM Jogjakarta".
We go to Jogja at 6.15a.m. after had breakfast together in UNNES by an executive bus. The name is Sumber Laress Bus H1660 DA accompanied by a bus agent crew that. The crew had a task to charge of controlling of smoothness of the event on the way. They are Mas Ruhadi and Mas (forget). On the way, we were very happy, we got a snack. And we could listen a simple music. Mas Malik also donated many songs. About 4 hours in the bus, we felt tired too. So, at 10.30 a.m. we  arrived at Gadjah Mada University. Wow... It is a big and modern campus.
We were greeted nicely and delivered to the meeting room. The main part of comparative study is started. The first was opening of MC. The second is simple games. We must i
ntroduce with people JMME and must know their name. The second is welcome Rohis chairman UGM. The third was welcome Eksis chairman UNNES.
Next, JMME convey about program works and the ins and the outs of Rohis there. Next, we prayed dhuhur and had lunch. After that is the main event. We gather in each departement and the circumstances surrounding the sharing JMME propaganda cadres. The name of head department HRD was Maulida fitri. She is friendly and cheerful girl. We exchanges ideas about issues and challenges facing the cadres propaganda, recruitment system, flow cadres and many thing. We discuss as an old friend or family. It was very happy.
At 2.00 p.m we must end this visit. Before we leave, we take many photograph with JMME. We looks like a family.  After that we should split.
Many valuable lessons that I got from this visit. One of them I have to be grateful for entering EKSIS ROHIS FE UNNES. I can be essembled with kind people to improve themselves again. In another place to preach pretty heavy challenge and they are more universal. So, thank you My lovely campus Semarang State University.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wow... Nice.!!

How to MAKE A Banana Cripic

Ingredients :
  • Banana
  • 1 teaspoon lime
  • 1 liter water
  • Salt
  • Oil

The Steps :
  • Peel the Banana
  • Slices it thinly
  • Soak in a solution lime water (1 hour)
  • Lift and then Wash
  • Put in banana slices in the bowl, added salt. Stir it until smooth. 
  • Let stand 1 minute
  • Fry it in the hot oil. until dry and crispy. 
  • Drain and ready to Serve.

How to Grow Mentally Entrepreneur?


The Principle of Costumers Satisfaction

1. Stisfaction of Costumers is an important thing
2. Understand the hope of costumers
3. Select costumers appropiately by segmenting strategy. Then, build costumers satisfaction.
4. Learn factors which effect costumers satisfaction
5. The loyal costumers is costumers who complaint
6. Give guarantee to costumers
7. Hear voice of costumers
8. The important meaning of costumers satisfaction
9. Leadership is exemplary in costumers satisfaction

Factors effect to Costumers Satisfaction :
1. Quality of Product
2. Price
3. Quality of Service
4. Emotional Factors
5. Convenience Factors

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cookware set

Kids, Investment in World and Hereafter

It is taken from a book "Situna Qishshah Rawaha an nabi wash shahabah al Karim" from Muhammad bin Hamid Abdul Wahab told there was ayoung man namely Juraij. Juraij do not accept Mothers calling. Juraij still preventing praying sunnah when his mother needs his mother needs his help. So, the mothers took for his curses. Finally at the end of life Juraij died in dirty conditions by slander. This story is caused of mothers who angry with the kid, so the kid must had trouble and misery.
How lucky kid who have chilhood full compliance with his parents and at time adults reamain obedient and dutiful of them. Because "Blessing for Allah is pleased dependent parents".
Maybe way the sun rise s in the east from the sunset in the west can be a model for human. When we were born. We in situation do not know anything. Until now, we know everything, full of life experience. And the parents are very instrumental in educating and raising of us.

Zubair bin Awwam Strong Faith

He is a first muslim soldiers who struggle in God's way. The first sword he has used in order to fight in the way of Allah. Zubair is someone who firmly depend Islam. He never tortured by his uncle for being a muslim. Namely he was put in crease mat of leaves and lit afire under the mat. But he
remains firmly declare Islam. "By Allah I will not be back in disbelieve forever".
When Khandaq War was happened, the situation for Muslim is not profitable. Muslims greatly distressed because the attacks against the unbelievers who tight. Rasulullah said "Who will go to Bani Quraidh to combat them?" And only Zubair who was willing to go to war. So, Zubair get a "loyal faithful followers" of the prophet got his nickname.
Zubair with some of people came to Mesir to conquered the country and put in Islam in the Mesir.
Zubait was really give big struggle for Islam. So, one of muslim ever said " I really see the straches sword and spear in his chest resembling blood flow"

Heart Shape Necklace

Managing the Legacy Business

There are several things that must be understood :
1. Actually, you are very lucky person, because you inherit the parents business. If not you , who else? Tionghoa people be rich person because managing business family. You must be grateful because must not start in 0.
2. Assumption if company has been going pretty well. Minimal, you do same thing. You just repair and do the best.
3. There are ethic with your member family. Culture of family finances should also professional business.
4. Always be transparency and corporate communications. So, all member of family know and can participate positive for advance the company.

Welcome the Happy Old Days

Being old is natural process life. Usually human in this situation will identic with weakened physic and brain. So, this thing will make some people are scared with "old days". Old days will be felt if no kids and family accompany us. Parents feel loneliness and emptiness of the soul. Their life like an empty cage.
But emptiness soul will not happened if old people realize that old age must prepare well. You must build your vision life clearly. People who has a vision, their life will be clear. So, although her condition is weakened, but mentally keep up. Because some old people are not followed maturity. When old age comes, he just wait the children or reciprocation for their children.
When you are old, you really need pshycologist preparation. An old age which do not hanging to situation. Intend children.  This is a good figure parents for children. Again, designing people who have parents when young, then old age will be beautiful and well-planned.
But, it also must be sustained with the support of a large family. If, the vision is planted in soul of children, they are proud children. The ideal children who ready to pick up success in the world and hereafter.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Greeting on free day Shopping

Allah's approvals Depends Pleased Parents

Except rick up early death, thing which can not be avoid is "old age" There are many thing about old age. Although, coming of death do not directly proportional to age. Because death come people anytime and anyplace. Some people are not powerless against their old age because of several thing. For example no human blessing to Allah's Law. End fears haunts his old age.
So, we must design our old age with careful planning, Islam subject in the presence of God. We must submit with religious teaching and commandments of God. One of them is Submit to your parents. Allah said in Al Quran Surat Lukman 15 " And if they strive associate me with something that you do not have knowledge about it. You shall not obey them. And hang them in the world with good and those who follow the path back to Me. This verse explain that we must be nice to parents even if they are forced to associated God.
But, obey to the God is the first oriented. Parents love the children, and children love their parents is a chain of interrelated. Slightest kindness that we present to the parents must be recorded as a pi ous charity before God.

It is sources from Hadila February 2012

Set of Draw Pencil Matic

Build businss with Confidence.

Family do not enterpreneurship in his blood stream. But, his determined is very strong.  He is Rahmad Mudito, SE, MM. His business was established in 2001 at Jl. Ronggowarsito No.144 Solo. Initially, he only sold 50 chairs. But, now he can sell 00 chairs, 200 tables, tents and other supplies. He said "We try to keep the good name of the company through a quality product".
But, his business are not easy. He has suffered losses due to fraud. Then, there was no news about the repayment of the loan. So, I had vacuum during 1 years.
He, found new idea. And he believe for his skill and he believe to the God. Slowly but Surely he continue to pursue his business.
Now, his omzet less is more 10 million each months. This nominal is change suitable market share.

For the costumers are private institutions and government institutions. Mudito are very optimist that his business will grow rapidly. Mudito business provide rental equipment.  rental meeting  hall, building The planning of his business is building has 2 floors can contents 200 guests.

Tips to choose school for Childreen

Every towards the end of the year, nearly all people are confused to look for the right school for their children. As a parents surely we want to give the best education for our child. What kind of good school and is ideal for children? There are some tips to choose the ideal school for children:
  • First
Look for any information school. You can visit school, to know about vision, mission and programs school. You must that the school has the same vision, mission to you.
  • Second
The teachers. Teacher become the primary consideration in choosing school. Try to see how the teacher service parents and when they teach the students.
  • Third
Invlove children. You can discuss to select the school. Because the children will study in there.
  • Fourth
School Fees. You must calculate your ability and fees of school. Make analysis so, you can adapted your financial to your children education.
  • Fifth
Transportation. Distance between home and school must be consideration. Long distance will spare long time and much energy. So, this is not effectuve.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Blue Microphone

Honest Education

Honest education should be pursued only on, since the most basic level ti higher education so that the people should have good morale.
Recruitment in the police force should be competent, which in filtering incoming police should really suit people as police competence.
Eliminate the habit of nepotism received a police officer with the rise of people who should not innate worth being a cop.
Commitment between the police and the community so that deletion conspiracy symbiotic mutualism in favor of the police.  
Law enforcements authorities by the parti

es must be broken into so that all work together well.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Free Water Boottle

Governing Law Corruption

Cause of Corruption in the Police Body :
  • Less satisfied with the salary police received
  • The lack of transparency of the police fund
  • Lack of commitment and consistency of enforcement
  • Lack of accountability in the police
  • Attitude that seemed to contribute to the society corruption (symbiotic mutualism)
  • Weak faith, honesty, shame , moral and ethics.

Criminals sancsions imposed on corruption according to Law No 20 of 2001 is quite heavy which is concerned may be liable to imprisonment for a minimum 3 years and a maximum 15 years. Then be fined a minimum and maximum Rp 150.000.000,00 and maximum Rp 750.000.000,00 . And even then do not make criminals detterent so that the goverment and parliament set Nimor act 30 of 2002 on Corruption Eradication Commission.