Thursday, March 28, 2013

I have a bad tootache, why ??

Today, I feel bad mood. I dont know why my teeth is sick.  I have a tootache. Its very hurt. Actually I feel it in long time. Since I was in Kebumen. But, I dont go to the doctor. Because I am lazy. No friend accompany me to check it. I think it is not serious. I let it. Some times it is repeat again. It feels even more  illness than later. I feel illness in my face in the left cheek. I don not know about it. Why it is so hurt. So I search in Google, There are some reason for tootache :
1. Dental Caries
Caries is the name of collective for tooth decay in the enamel ( substance in the crown of tooth ) , cementum ( substance in the road of teeth ) and dentine ( substance in the middle of between crown and roots) . Teeth can decay due to certain bacteria that produce lactic acid from the fermentation of carbohydrates such as sucrose, fructose and glukose.
2. Erosian of gums
Gums that expossion will expose the roots to become the sensitive to hot or cold food / beverage and acid. Erosian the gumns can be caused by  brushing too hard.Erosian happened in a long time, in age 40 years and over. Patient don not feel serious about it into a big problem. If erosian is caused by too hard when you clean your teeth, you must change toothbrush is softer and reduce presser. Erosion  can be repaired with gum graft. It is a  plastic surgery procedure. And only specilaist doctor can do this procedure.
3. Teeth root canal infection.
Teeth root canal infectin can be very illness with pain feelings spread to another areas. In face and skeleton. Our body make sail on from erosion so that cause inflamation. Someimes it becomes " pus ". IN the teeth  root which  can lasting in the jaw patient during several years.
Teeth rooot canal infection can make the teeth die so that must is drawed. Standing die d teeth is not protuded. Using herbal medicine, vitamin, and antibiotics usually don not break  the problem. If we wish out clean the teeth root canal histology around it.

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