Thursday, March 28, 2013

Have you ever sad ?

Is it sad a discable thing ?
Almost every one who still has a conscience ever feel sad. Because as God's creatures we are blessed with feelings and hearts. A healthy liver will be sensitive to the slightes. Perhaps you failed something, bad mark, scorned people etc. Definitely we feel sda. Especially when we can not reach our dream or something. Maybe we are stress and depresi.
Now, back to the beginning. Is sad a bad thing ? Apparently not. In term in particular time, we usually feel sad. For example, when we break with your bestfriend. Is it legitimate. But there is also sad is reprehensible. When someone feel sad because world matters. For example, you are sad when you lost your money. Money is a gift from God. Should we give up when God asked hin to come back.
With the hope we get better compensation. Because the saying goes God gives what we need not what we want. So be sad for kindness matters. Life is never flat, we should not feel sad for no important thing. Using our life to try new experience. Manything is occured out us. Now we lost our money. But, God is not stop. God will change it with better things.
For example, suddenly we meet our old friend. Long time no see her. How are our feel? Happy, amazing, and surprise.
This is one example. Many example out us. I ever hear a story. A girl lost her father. Several times, she lost her mother. She feel unlucky girl. She is angry to god. Why it is occured to her ??  In fact she complained to God for the injustices of this. She feel worthless and lonely. Alone  and alone. She just pray to God. She hope, God will give her a surprise. She waited and waited. Second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week and month to month. God answer her prays. One day she helps a man who die. She treat him into get better. After get better, the man ask promise to go to his house. The girl is alone again. She feel sad again. But God is realizing her hope. Suddenly, there are a group of people come to her house. They are much enough. But she dont know every one. And there is an amazing sound. They come from palace. The king is the man whom is helped by the girl. The king want to get married the girl. The girl is very happy. They life happy forever.  We can get lessons. We may sad, but we should not too sad. We should believe that God will change it to  more and more beautiful thing.

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