Wednesday, June 19, 2013

ICE AGE Part 1

Once in an age. There lived a variety of animals in the inland ice. On the mainland lived a herd of elephants with the family. Manny was the leader. He had a wife Ellie and the daughter Peaches. Other occupants was Sid, he was abandoned by his family. He joined  the elephants family, Diego ( a male tiger), and Granny. Peaches also had a friendship with Louis. Manny and Ellie were very fond Peaches. She therefore did not allowed to hang out too much.  It made Peaches was angry. Because as a teenager she wanted to had a lot of experience.
When they fought. suddenly the big phenomenon happened. Inland ice broke and splited. Manny, Diego, Sid and Granny in 1 side. And Ellie, Peaches, Louis in another side. In a loud voice Manny and Ellie promised to meet in "LAND BRIDGE".
So, the really adventure was began. Manny and friends floated on the sea, eroded by waves and rolled by stormy sea. Until they when captured, pirates. He was a monkey called Captain Gutt. He was helped a lot of animals including a female tiger, Shira. When Captain Gutt did a party, Manny and friends escaped and destroyed the ship. Shira could not swim. She was saved by Manny.
Captain Gutt was very angry.  He built a new ship. Ellie invited residents to to evacuate to the safe area, "LAND BRIDGE". They departure in the group.  Meanwhile Peaches started to be friend with Ethan (male elephant). But, Ethan dislike Louis. Louis was very sad because Peaches left him.

A nice dress

Another Cinderella Part 2

Mary and Joey take a relationship. But the stepsister were not happy. They mad Joey in a trap. It made Mary and Joey broke their relationship. Actually Joey loved Mary so much. And Mary dislike dance again.
Joey held a a dance competition. The winner would get a scholarship to Manhattan. Mary was forced to come this competition by her close friend. Actually she wanted to dance again, although it remained her to Joey. When the audition, finally Mary showed her ability. She danced with Joey. All of people was spellbound of their performance.
Mary was selected as the winner. She was entitled a scholarship to the Manhattan. She and Joey take a relationship again.

In My Opinion..

I think it is a good film. This film reminiscent to Cinderella story. But it is packed modern and western style. Amoral messege can be taken is identify your potential and talent. Do not give up to reach your dream and your love.

Furla Candy Bag

It is Beautiful

Another Cinderella Story part 1

In a country there lived a family. A women, her name was Dominique. She had 2 daughters. And one girl again. Mary Santiago. Mary lived in there like a maid. Every day she worked in the house and become Dominique assistant.
In one day, Joey Parker, the famous actor, singer, and dancer came to their school. It made the residents of school hysterical. In one night, he held a dance party mask. Each other must closed their face with mask. Joey and Mary danced together. It made all of people were surprised. Because of Mary's stepsister evil, Mary slipped and fell. Wall on the clock showed at 12 p.m. Mary back to home in haste, she missed her music player. Joey found the music player. He was very curious who the mysterious girl.
So, he held a contest. a girl who can mention 4 favourite song in the music player. But, he could not find the girl. But, finally Mary told to Joey the truth. Joey believed it. So, they were quite closely related.

Kungfu Panda hOLIDAY

Once upon a day, there lived a Panda. His name was Pooh. He had a big and fat body. He lived with his father. His father was a famous chef. They opened a modest restaurant. Everyday Pooh and his father cooked together and served costumers. Especially in the holiday season, their restaurant must be very crowded.
In a morning Pooh and his father. was preparing to open the restaurant. Suddenly, the Master came. He told that Pooh was given an important task. Pooh must handle a big event. A gathering place for visitors from other countries. Panda was very happy.
His first ask was search a main chef. He did a contest. The winner would  get a"golden Spoon". Pooh wanted his father became the chef. But his father refused. Because he was care to other people who were lonely in the holiday night.
So, he asked his friends to help preparation event. Finally the preparation of event finished. The Master was very proud to him. But in the middle of event, Pooh missed his father. So, Pooh asked apologize to the guess. He left the event and back to home.
Pooh came to the home and helped his father to served costumers.  Pooh and his father did cooperation vary unique and solid. The costumers was very happy. Because they ca ate delicious food.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


A Duopoly Example
  • A Duopoly is an oligopoly with only two members. It is the simplest type of oligopoly. 

Competition, Monopolies and Cartels : 
  The Duopoly may agree on a monopoly outcome :
a. Collusiaon
    An agreement among firms in a market about quantities to produce or price to charge.
b. Cartel
    A group of firms acting in unison.

Although oligopolists would like to form cartels and earn monopoly profit, often that is not possible. Antitrust law prohibit explicit agreements among oligopolists as a matter of public policy.

Hole Punch Tool


The Four Types of STUCTURE mARKETS

Based number of firm ?
Monopoli                      ===== 1 firn
Oligopoli                      ===== Few Firms
Monopolistic competition === Many firms
Perfect Competition ======= Many firms
 The different of  Monopolistic Competition and Perfect Competiton is about product. Monopolistic Competition offers the differentiated products. But the Perfect Competition offers the identical Products.
Markets with only a few sellers
  • Because of the  few sellers, the key feature of oligopoly is the tension between cooperation and self-interest.
  • Characteristic of an oligopoly market :
- Few sellers offers similar or identical products
- Interdependent firms
- Best off cooperating and acting lake a monopolist by producing a small quantity of output and charging aprice above marginal cost.


Between Monopoli and Perfect Competition
  • Imperfect competition refers the those markets structures that fall between perfect competition and pure monopoli.
  • Imperfect competition includes in which firms have competitors but do not face so much competition that they are price takers.
  • Types of imperfectly Competitive Markets : 
a. Oligopoly
Only a few sellers each offering a similar or identical product to the other s.
b. Monopolistc Competition
Many firms selling products that are similar but not identical.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Your Proffesion is your Passions

When, we talk about profession we talk about ability. Someone must mastering one field.  It will be better if you have many skill. What you are interested, that is your rights. It is close related your passions.
Someone will study hard, try without never give up to do something . Why?. It is because call its soul. This strength is very extra ordinary. So, children have spirit to continue although windi.  Parents do nor need to told him, but he moves by his desire in his hearts. When threats appear, it is not a problem. precisely it added his interest to deepen the knowledge. Broke and solve do not avoid  the problem in your work.